By Antoinette Rahn
I don’t know if I’d call this specimen complex, but in casual lingo, I’d say ‘a lot is going on here.’
That’s part of what caught my attention while I was perusing the 300+ pieces in the Kay Robertson Collection currently featured at The Arkenstone (www.irocks.com) site.
This specimen is a Sapphire variety of the mineral Corundum. Sapphire is one of two primary gem varieties of Corundum. The other is Ruby. Interestingly enough, Ruby and Sapphire are the same version of mineral but present in different colors.
Another fascinating fact about Corundum is that it is the second hardest mineral known, after Diamond, according to Mineral.net.
This particular specimen hails from Franklin, in the Ellijay District of the Cowee Valley located in Macon County, North Carolina. It presents shades of pink and a soft yellow, among others. It is also a euhedral form (an easily recognizable and clearly distinguished face) and weighs 2.58 grams.
Learn more about the unparalleled Kay Robertson Collection >>>
Source: https://geogallery.si.edu/10002788/corundum-var-sapphire; https://www.minerals.net/mineral/corundum.aspx