Editor’s Note: This is the first Rock & Gem Dynamic Dig Discovery profile.
Rockhound: Docia Lenz
Specimen: Druzy plate
Measurement: Just over 26-inches long by 13-inches wide
Location Discovered: Iron County, Missouri. The discovery was made about six years ago (2012).
How long have you been a rockhound and how did you get started: “I’ve been a very basic rockhound for about 50 years – just picking up the odd pretty rock here and there since I was a youngster. Finally found and joined a club about 18 years ago and have gotten more into the hobby since.”
If you were going to describe the appeal of searching for, collecting, and admiring rocks, gems, and minerals, what would you say:“My husband, Floyd, and I both agree – our favorite part of rockhounding is finding something and knowing we are the first people to see it. That thrill of discovery! And besides that it’s just a great way to spend time outdoors with like-minded friends.”
How to Be Featured in the Dynamic Dig Discovery section: We welcome photos and stories about the rocks, gems, minerals, and fossils, you come upon during digging excursions, mine explorations, and any place and means you use to examine the rockhounding bounty the earth provides.
To be featured please email the following information to Antoinette Rahn at arahn@beckett.com: Your name (initials are fine); identity of the specimen you’ve discovered and include a photo if possible; measurements of the specimen; location (state or region is fine) where you made the discovery; length of time you’ve been a rockhound and how you got started; and, finally, if you were going to describe the appeal of searching for, collecting, and admiring rocks, gems, and minerals, what would you say?
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