By Antoinette Rahn
Are you involved in a rock/gem/mineral club? We’re interested in learning about special presentations and events your club has hosted, to feature in a new blog post, ‘Club Corner.’
The report could be about a demonstration, a group outing or dig, community support project, or special activities held during an annual show. I invite you to send me a few photos and a short description – including the names of any featured guests or organizations – of the event, as well as the name of your club and web address or social media page. Email the above information to me at editor@rockngem.com to have your club featured in Club Corner.
Learning About Glyptic Art

We are kicking of R&G’s Club Corner with a report from the Mother Lode Mineral Society of Modesto, California. During a recent meeting, the club welcomed glyptic artist Jack Hoque from Medford, Oregon. Jack did a demonstration of his work, intaglio carving, and answered questions from the nearly 90 people in attendance.
Rock & Gem columnist Bob Rush shares more of this demonstration in the Bench Tips column of the May issue of Rock & Gem. Learn more about Jack Hoque and view examples of his work in an earlier article written by Rush >>>

Club Profile
Club: Mother Lode Mineral Society
Meetings: Club meets the first Sunday of the month (except for July and August) in Modesto at the Tuolumne River Lodge at 2429 River Rd., Modesto, CA 95351
Web site: www.motherlodemineralsociety.com
Telephone: 209-723-6968
Club Show: March 9-10, 2019 at the Stanislaus Fairgrounds, 900 North Broadway, Turlock, California. Hours: 10am-5pm; Admission: $6 adults, free admission for children 12 and under when accompanied by an adult
The Mother Lode Mineral Society is part of the California Federation of Mineralogical Societies (www.cfmsinc.org) and the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies (www.amfed.org).