On Aug. 10, 2018, the Turquoise Museum, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, will reopen in its new home, the Gertrude Zachary castle in downtown Albuquerque, in which the museum will occupy over 8,000 square feet of space.
Guided tours of the museum present information about the mining, science and grading of turquoise, lapidary techniques, world histories, American histories, turquoise imitations, and the mystical qualities of the stone. The tour is supplemented by many hands-on activities.
The J.C. “Zack” Zachary Turquoise Collection Room displays turquoise from more than 80 mines from around the world. Turquoise specimens, jewelry and art from the continents of North America, South America, Asia, Europe, Africa and Australia are exhibited.
Information about the special events related to the grand opening of the new Turquoise Museum can be found at www.turquoisemuseum.com.